Sunday, October 13, 2013

Resources for Listening To Reading During The Daily 5

I have been using The Daily 5 to manage the literacy block in my classroom for the last two years. To learn more about The Daily Five visit their website,

The Listen To Reading station is by far the most popular with my students. This is probably because they get to use technology to enjoy books. I spend a significant amount of time teaching my students how to use the technology and how to troubleshoot if they have any problems getting things to work.

There are three ways students can listen to reading during our literacy block.

1. Listen to an audio book on the CD player. I have spent most of my Scholastic book club bonus points on audio books in the past thirteen years. I have a good collection of picture books in both fiction and non-fiction for students to enjoy.

2. Use the laptop computers to visit the following sites on the Internet
Read To Me
World Book Online (requires a subscription)
PBS Kinds

3. Interactive Books on the iPad
Story Time-easiest to use and has the most free books within the app
Me and My Mom-Little Critter, single story
Great Escape-single story
Beanstalk-Single Story
Purple Frog-Single Story
Blue Jackal-Single Story
My Mom-Single Story
Meet Biscuit-Single Story
G'Night Safari-Single Story
Goose- Single Story
Cassandra-Single Story
Carrot Castle-Single Story
Stella and Sam- 5 different stories within the app about the same characters
Pup pup-Single Story
Ugly Duckling-Single Story
Another Monster-Single Story, very interactive
I Story Time-comes with 4 free books within the app, (Madagascar, Smurfs, Ice Age, Robin Hood)
I reading HDIII(10 in 1) -Comes with ten free stories, has comprehension questions at the end of each story
Mee Genius-Comes with 5 free books, all are popular fairy tales or folk tales
Bingo Song-sings the BINGO song as the words appear on the screen
Tejas and Lollipop-single story

iBooks-Many free books for primary readers can be downloaded from the book section of the App Store

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